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Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe Shepherd In Change Genesis Global I Know ~By Oluwaseun Fabiyi



Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe is a very interesting person anytime. Passionate about winning souls and celebrating people, Genesis as he’s fondly called is unstoppable man of God. Known around the globe for his gift of authentic prophecy, popular Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe is a force to reckon with in the Christian- dom. My closeness to him and again as his media aide, I can attest to the fact that this easygoing, gentle man of God never enjoyed the silver spoon as a growing child, he wanted to become a medical doctor or a pen pusher, today he can easily and boldly say he’s a doctor by honorarium, and a good writer considering the many articles and literature he has put together, yet, God has used him today to touch a lot of lives as all he’s interested in is raising people of great value.

In Genesis Global Church, Prophet Israel Oladele is known to raise people of value, though they might not too spiritual or churchous but what has really sold Genesis out is the gift of prophecy that God has deposited in him. Guess you know? What has kept him going is the miracle without stress or without barbaric activities, and without outdated strategist has been the real reason behind this glowing in Christen-dom. Less I forget this; creativity is another thing God has endowed him with, after revealing things about people’s lives and activities to them, he will then ask God what they should do or steps to follow in order to get a positive results. As far as I’m pretty concerned, there are lot of activities going on at Genesis Global Church that is not common in other white garment Churches, for instance, Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe once purchased over 100 WAEC forms and brought to Church for the successful students to enroll and write exam as he sees Genesis Global Church is a quick transformation of life style, one thing I also noticed/observed in Genesis Global Church is that, there’s no way you will be a true member of the Church that your life will not change for the best. You may not be extremely rich, but you will be comfortable, be glad and happy with your finances as God will surely bless your ways among your peers outside, the money may not come statically as expected, but you will enjoy absolute peace in all your endeavours. Again, guess you can noticed that Genesis’s preaching are not too difficult on the members because he is just too natural in all his teachings as he resisted polygamy in the Church. Readers should please quote me right and never you read out of context sirs, mas, I’m not saying Polygamist will not make heaven, as Genesis Global Church always encourage the congregants, people to be their best in everything. Prophet Israel the shepherd in charge Genesis Global Church do a lots of programs such as Worksop, training, seminars on crucial issues like talking about sex. All the above mentioned effective programs is what some regular white garment would want to avoid for the reasons best known to them. Again, what I also know about Genesis Global Church and Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe takes marriage very seriously and everything that will keep marriage intact is never neglected.

Above all at Genesis Global Church, their activities goes beyond praying all-through. No wonder members irrespective of anything or barriers they might been experiencing, they are always thirsty of coming to the church, also attending Genesis Global Church programs real reasons their slogan sound better “Unstoppable” it seems they have American mentality which says “in God we trust” talk about their style of music that is very superb, in prayer they’re very hot like fire as they are contemporary in style of praying, i observed they have the RCCG style of praying, CAC style of praying, and MFM style of praying, as a matter of fact; Genesis Global Church always ginger worshipers spiritual swagger with full determination to stop the devil to outshine the Church members or the Church of God. No wonder the gate of hell can never prevail

Talk about their regalia… Very special and uniformity at times I look at them all, and it will look as if they’re just coming/returning from the snow no wonder this popular saying from the small but mighty man of God Genesis “you don’t have to be seductive to be attractive. All I know, it’s all about spirit of God working wonders in Genesis Global Church, it’s ball about affecting the lives of people positively just according to the scriptures that says “God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” I equally observed that one thing Prophet Genesis always lay much emphasis on, whenever he’s teaching the members is to “Run away from self condemnations” as the real language they speak at Genesis Global Church is that one should be able to know what he or she stand for, to avoid falling a victim, are you even aware that if any denomination approaches members of Genesis Global Church to convinced them to stop worshiping or fellowship at Genesis Global, he or she will shut you down by confronting to tells you the real reason they will continue to worship at Genesis Global Church no wonder they have over 9 thousands worshipers here in Nigeria. Because Genesis members quite know and understand that you can not be a full member of Genesis Global Church without having sense of dignity, as you can’t be from a poor home/background and still end up marrying a spouse without certificate or vision. Do you know why they call all Sister of Genesis Global Daughters of Zion? Because Prophet Genesis will never allow them to rush into any ungodly marriage all because they are eager or to be seen and labeled as being married, as far as I have truly observed both internally or externally, one thing is certain in Genesis Global Church, you can not come from Zion and still lack. Single men doesn’t allow to marry a sister without having a certificate because their doctrine believe love is not blind to issues in Genesis Global Church.
No doubt, and without mincing words, Prophet Israel Oladele the shepherd in charge Genesis Global Church is different in all ramifications as he refuses to take his members to stream for spiritual bath not only that, at Genesis Global Church he doesn’t allow any kind of coconut to be broken at T- Junctions he has never allow the use of brooms as whip on people/worshipers as he basically in delivering people using the mighty word of God.

Are you even aware that Genesis Global by name came as a revelation led by the spirit of God as God directed the great man of God. Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe after several seasons of prayer many years back.
Lastly, another thing that makes Prophet Genesis exceptional among others was when he was given a car as a gift from USA worth 15 million, which he got the directive of what to do with the car from God. The directive was to sell the car and use the money for the development of the community and his church, to which the humble and obedient Man of God yielded. Today, it very obvious that he has spent over N40million for the church, street, road construction and interlocking within the Church premises for the road to be motorable.

Do you know? Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe rose from nothing to be something and submitted himself wholeheartedly for God to increase him.

Watch out for part 2 from our subsequent publication as we unveil the real Genesis himself.

Oluwaseun Fabiyi is the media aide to prophet Oladele Ogundipe known as Genesis.
