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Grace Nation: There is Nothing The Devil Give you Without Attaching Blood Convenant To It – Dr Chris Okafor



* It is possible you Escape Death

Appointment of Death can be Cancelled through instruction, Somebody can also escape death by the Blood, because the bible made us understand that When I see the blood I Shall pass over, the blood can be inform of your commitment to the kingdom,winning of souls to the kingdom and sacrifice by tithe and Partnership among others

This foundation was made today 9th October 2022 during the Sunday Special Communion service of Grace Nation International church, aka Liberation city at the international Headquarters of the church in Ojodu Berger lagos Nigeria.

Speaking on the Theme “THE POWER OF THE BLOOD”, The Lead Pastor, Grace Nation Worldwide Dr Chris Okafor said the blood is very powerful, because its contain special spiritual and powerful content that speaks in different ways, the blood are of different type, we have the lesser blood while we have the superior blood,
The Generational Prophet of God explained that the blood of an Animal cannot be compare to the blood of human being why because the blood of human being speaks volume.

The Lagos Popular Handsome Prophet also remarked that the bloods comes in various form, this is the reason why the devil clearly understand and know the Principles of blood particularly on the altars, therefore, whatever the devil gave you he attach a blood convenant to it, this is the reason why child of God must be very careful, they must understand the important of blood, even in the dimension of blood, there are levels.

The Generational prophet of God, Dr Chris Okafor stated further that if you take the blood, the angel of death will let you Pass, but if there is nothing that is representing the blood in your life, its become difficult to breakthrough in Life.
When you understand the principle of blood to tackle blood, the devil bow and relocates far away from your life Dr Okafor concluded

The special communion service witness so many New convert who are determined to worship God in truth and spirit.Heaven is always Happy whenever People gave there life to christ, so therefore Grace Nation was fill with Joy and happiness.

The realms of the Prophetic was again brutal as God Servant Dr Chris Okafor exposes evil altars sponsoring wickedness in the life of many, the Kingdom of the devil was on fire, while many captive were set free, also expectant mother carried their miracle babies as Liberation Voice Choir rendered prophetic and deliverance worship song to the delight of all worshippers…
