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Grace Nation: God does not create wealth,He empowers to Make Wealth – Dr Chris Okafor



Grace Nation celebrates mother’s day in style

Light Spring Hotel sets for Grand Opening…

Every miracle of wealth is tie to your Head therefore you need a head to make Prosperity in Life.

These and more are part of the foundation laid to teach faithful on how to make Wealth doing business in the Godly way in Life.

Teaching at the Sunday convenant day of wealth Transfer at the International Headquarters of Grace Nation worldwide in Lagos Nigeria, The Lead Pastor of Grace Nation Dr Chris Okafor who Teach on the subtitle “Wealth and Prosperity” examined that everything you need to make wealth and be prosperous in Life is tie to your head.

The Generational prophet of God as he is fondly called said God gives power to make wealth, saying the ability to make it happen is in you, He said wealth is a reward system.

The Man of God also highlighted three basic steps to take when you are starting a business,

The Apostle of Prosperity said before you start a business, you must have a good idea of the kind of business you want to do, you must have the basic knowledge of the kind of business you are going for, without this it might be very difficult to make headway.

Dr Okafor explain further that you must also check the competitive angle of the business, when you realized too much of people is doing that kind of Business, go for the kind of business customer in that location find difficult to Access, we you do the business people needed in that locality,you will prosper.

And the third step is the Profitability angle, don’t just do business for doing sake, check how profitable the business you wanted to dazzle in is, if profit will not come, why entering into such business, look for a profitable business because God want everyone to Prosper in Life but you must also understand his Principle which will guide you to Prosperity

It was Joyful galore as the mothers day was celebrated amidst praise and worship, the Generational prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor used the occasion to join the rest of the world to celebrate mother’s, he said mothers are the true world,they are the source of Life, therefore they must be worship, I love my mother’s likewise all Grace Nation citizen, he prayed God will continue to bless our mother with the fruit of there labour.

The realms of the Prophetic witness drastic movement of the spirit, captive were delivered,while sickness,terminated diseases received instant healing, among many other miracles

Meanwhile the official Grand opening of Light spring Hotel Hotel come up on Sunday 26 March 2023, Address is Light Spring Hotel, 20 Odozi Road Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria by 3pm
