2023 Almond Awards: AXA Mansard Emerges General Insurance Company of the Year

AXA Mansard Insurance Plc is currently counting it’s blessings as the company recently recognized as the General Insurance Company of the Year at the prestigious 2023 Almond Insurance Industry Awards.
AXA Mansard Insurance Plc is an insurance and asset management company in Nigeria. The company offers solution products for motor, life, travel, education and commercial insurance as well as financial advisory services, portfolio and risk management services and investment consulting services.
The Almond Insurance Industry Awards is initiated by Almond Production Limited to foster best corporate management, leadership, governance, innovative and sustainable growth in the Nigeria’s insurance sector.
The Insurance Industry Awards and Consumers’ Nite is instituted to reward the “Can Do Spirit” of the Men and Women in the various arms of the Insurance Industry who strive daily to sell insurance either to Individuals or Corporate entities in Nigeria despite the myriad of challenges and obstacles they face. Yet they still forge ahead to underwrite huge business by way of Gross Premium Income (GPI) year on year.